Hey You!
How Good Can You Stand It?
Really!? Are you ready to find out? Join us for the wildest, wackiest, most playful, yet totally transformational 30 day challenge of your life!
Wait, why the heck are we doing this? You're asking...
We are all programmed to survive..NOT thrive. We have a negative bias that makes adverse events have a more significant impact on our psychological state than positive events.
Inherently, we are conditioned to see the glass as half empty, not half full. Our internal state of being is what creates our results...So...
half empty = half a life!
With all the hoopla out there on how to create a better life, hardly anyone is addressing the most fundamental part; learning tried and true methods to continuously raise your internal feel good thermostat. So, that no matter what life brings, you have choice, and a well-worn path back to essence energies of peace, joy, and aliveness.
(Even better... if you've been playing this "upper limit" game for a bit, you know that there is always MORE...more LOVE, more LIFE, more ECSTACY, more FREEDOM. What if the levels of feel good you've experienced so far, is just the tip of the iceberg? )
Are you ready to truly and fully receive the overflowing love of your partner, family, friends and even your pets? To thoroughly enjoy that foodgasm thru your whole body? To drink in the magnificent sunset? To fully receive the pleasure of your body?
Isn't it time to embody high-vibe living and magnetize goodness every day?
I mean come on, How Good Can You Stand IT?
Here's the deets...
We start off with a celebratory Zoom to get you excited, inspired and hooked UP with everything you need for the challenge!
The challenge lasts 30 days!
Your ticket IN is just 100 bucks :)
You receive 100 sure-fire way to increase your feel good thermostat (say what!?)
You will join other enthusiastic players who are up to the same full-out shenanigans...
Zoom #2 is a booster shot (right in your bum, lol) to keep you on track, offer any course corrections and encourage your continued upleveling!
There will be daily tools posted, LIVES with rich content, simple shift moves, and of course excessive cheerleading...
Yes, I'm ready to PLAY!
"Hey, you know that SUPER FREAKING ANNOYING pattern that you keep repeating…? The one where things go well and then TERRIBLY. Where one good thing happens and then it feels like 12 bad things happen? Where every time something goes amazingly… like better than you expected instead of enjoying that moment you actually end up holding your breath, waiting for the inevitable shoe to drop?
Feels like a rollercoaster right?
And you want to get off, but there don’t seem to be any instructions, and every time you try it’s like the ride speeds up just to spite you?
That, my darling, is your upper limit.
Because the horrifying and totally shitty truth is that our bodies and brains are only calibrated to receive a certain amount of goodness, and then it switches into the dreaded SS word
I know you’re sick of it. I’m certainly sick of it. And if you’re ready to be done with it once and for all, then let me tell you about a 30 day challenge my friends are hosting, called “How Good Can You Stand It?
Megan and Suzanne are SUPER cool for a buncha different reasons but I’ll give you two of my faves:
-They align with exactly what I know to be true about how universal magic AND the brain work. That’s a great start.
-They are both super talented and have been doing this a looong time.
I am in the challenge right now and when I hit an upper limit with my enrollment, I used 1 (just 1!!) of the 100 tools they share to help us move through our upper limit, and I made $35,000 in 5 days. Not. Damn. Bad.
-Abi Levine
"I experienced the class How Good Can You Stand It and it was such a gift in my life! I came out of the 30 day workshop with a deep profound knowing; that no matter what I was experiencing, that I could find my way through it and continue on the path of growth that I have chosen; without taking myself out! I was incredibly impressed and grateful for all the tools that were shared; they are some of the best consciousness tools available; many of them were new and some of them I already was aware of; but in this context; and the way they were put together in the series created a magical feel and experience! I had awareness and growth in this class that was deep and meaningful. Thank you so much Suzanne and Megan!"
-Lori L
"I was always taught that life is what we make of it so this course really helped me to recognize that life is GREAT and having strong good intentions to make it great every day is helpful. I love using the tools and I plan on continuing to use them. It helped me to raise my set points, and to use the positivity to my advantage both in my life and in my new business and I’m grateful for you!"
-Mimi F
"I recently attended the 'How Good Can You Stand It?' inner workshop and I have to say, it was a truly transformative experience. Megan and Suzanne were incredibly knowledgeable and created a safe and supportive environment for everyone to explore their personal limits and beliefs. Through a series of powerful tools and discussions, I was able to identify and break through some of my self-imposed limitations and gain a newfound sense of confidence and clarity. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who is looking to push past their comfort zone and unlock their full potential. Thank you to Megan and Suzanne for ‘How Good Can You Stand It?' for an unforgettable experience!
-Glen S.
Hi, we are Megan and Suzanne, and we will be your guides on this journey.
Why might you want play with us? Because, for many decades, we have inspired and supported thousands of people to create their good, good life. We have made it our mission to see how big and fully we can live, in relationship, in business, you name it.
Through constant experimentation, we have gained a deep understanding of what it takes to truly live from a place of joy, pure choice, and creative fulfillment! Boy, do we have one hell of a Tool Kit to share with you!
We have experienced first-hand the worst of the worst life can throw at you, and we’ve turned it into GOLD. We’d like to share with you the gems that can help you achieve anything you might imagine is possible.