Learn how to create from the energy of miracles, that you truly be.



Welcome to Creating from the Energy of Miracles where we will take a deep dive into that which seemingly allows miracles to occur without effort.

Learn how to create from the energy of miracles, that you truly be.

We will be exploring what it takes to cultivate and have miracles as a daily practice instead of some odd occurrence that we don't know where it came from.

I will also be taking you through miracle attunements, infusions and who knows what else?

What I do know, is that we will have a blast as we explore what it is to truly live life as the miracle it is.


Megan Sillito, CFMW

Megan has launched thousands of people to create meaningful, creative, and lucrative lives and businesses. She organically ignites people’s talents and genius and helps them see where these gifts can engage the world in a profitable way, doing it their way, based on their unique skill set! Using universal principles and her own magic, she playfully introduces you to your “own” map to successful creation and then catalyzes you to turn up the potency required to follow it.

She runs her own global transformation based company. Her signature event Live Your Magic has been in 8 cities and 4 countries. Her favorite pastime is having deep conversations with world changers. She has created hundreds of live and online programs on a wide range of topics, leadership, happiness, prosperity, creativity, organic work flow, and creating conscious business your way!

In this 3-Part Call Series, I share tools for ________

After this experience, __________

What You'll Receive:

• 3-Part Live Recorded Call Series
• MP3 & M4A audios
• PDF of Energetic Clearings
• PDF of Questions & Quotes
• BONUS GIFT Miracle Call audio

Live participants received over $300 in bonuses during the call!

$197 USD



If you’ve been on calls with me before, then you know what is in store! If you have not had this experience yet, then buckle up because it’s gonna blow your mind! 

Your Captain, 
Megan Sillito, CFMW
Creator of Live Your Magic

What people are saying about Megan Sillito:


"My money flows have tripled since joining Megan's program! I've stopped focusing on the 'numbers' and how much money I'm going to get from my product or services and just focused on the playful, joyful creation... and it's amazing how the money is now just showing up effortlessly! People just want to give me money now I actually didn't realize until today that my money flows had increased. I was like, 'Wow, where did all this money come from?' I've just been too busy in the zone of having fun with creating beautiful things and exposing them to the world, with no expectations or attachments." -Laya

"The great thing about Megan’s classes is you don’t have to believe in magic it for it to work because she’ll just pull it out of you. And the next thing you know you’re riding on the magic carpet with her. Then some where along the way you just start flying without the need of the magic carpet because the magic is just flowing out of you." -Amy

"Megan's class was so much fun I didn't realize my whole life had changed." -Brenda

"Megan's Imprinting for Riches program is a life changer!! I came to this program to work on my money issues. I had no idea all of the areas in my life that were hiding riches!!! My issues with money were not with money at all. Go figure!! Megan brings the power, discussion and tools to create the space for you to expand all of your richness. She is an amazing facilitator who is real, raw and off the charts as she follows the energy flow! This is not just a program...it is a movement. A movement to empower the Conscious Creators on this planet to show up, thrive and change the world by sharing their passions and contributions. The space in my mind, body and spirit that has been created around money and riches is truly amazing. It feels SOOOO good to not hold on so tight and with so much fear. Beyond grateful to be here. HDIGABTT?" -Krysta


I wonder what this call series will create in your world?



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